About us
As a medium-sized company, we have made it our task to fill the gaps that open up in your everyday work. Our many years of experience in the market have made us aware of the individual needs of our customers.
With us you open up new sales opportunities or partnerships.
Receive vendor parts or assemblies from competitive suppliers and let your own ideas become reality!
We present your production possibilities to our customer network. We put you in touch with our reliable suppliers, equip you with special machines or digitization equipment as required, or support you with your very own ideas.
Our trained designers create a production drawing in 2D or 3D (rotatable) from your idea, hand sketch or more mature production plans. So your plans can go into production.
Our team
Klein aber fein. Unser kleines Team aus einer handvoll Voll- und
Teilzeitkräften bietet kurze Entscheidungswege, flache Hierarchien und
einen kreativ-produktiven Austausch. Außerdem stehen immer zwischen
10-15 zuverlässige, schnell arbeitende Konstrukteure bereit, die Ihre
und unsere Vorhaben und Pläne in die Tat umsetzen. In enger
Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Partnern sind wir so zu einem
leistungsstarken Team zusammengewachsen.
Sven Onnen Fischer
Company: Thor Metall GmbH
Languages: German, English, French

About me
As a universal contractor and all-rounder with decades of experience in the industry, I don't shy away from any challenge. They are always my driving force for new ideas and progressive solutions.
How to reach me:
Thor metal over time
Die Veta Deutschland GmbH wird zu THOR METALL GmbH.
Zuverlässigkeit, Stärke, Traditionsbewusstsein - diese Werte trägt
fortan nicht nur unsere Arbeit, sondern auch unser Name in die Welt.
Veta Deutschland works as indipendent service for metal industry. Our partners are efficient and well equiped, mostly ISO-certified, located in Germany, Italy as well as Eas- and South-Eath Europe.
In late summer the cooperation between VETA SA and VETA Deutschland GmbH early.
Veta Deutschland GmbH is established as a sales company of VETA SA in Athens (250 employees, EUR 28 million revenue). Our task is the client acquisition for vendor parts in Germany.