Terms and Conditions

1. Scope of Application

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all orders placed through our online store by consumers and entrepreneurs.

A consumer is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly outside their trade, business, or profession. An entrepreneur is a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity, who, when entering into a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of their trade, business, or profession.

For entrepreneurs: If the entrepreneur uses conflicting or supplementary General Terms and Conditions, we hereby object to their validity. They will only become part of the contract if we have expressly agreed to them.

2.  Contractual Partner, Conclusion of Contract, Correction Options

The purchase contract is concluded with Thor Metall GmbH.

The presentation of products in the online store does not constitute a legally binding offer, but rather an non-binding online catalog. You can initially place our products in the shopping cart without obligation and can correct your entries at any time before submitting your binding order by using the correction aids provided and explained during the ordering process. By clicking the order button, you submit a binding offer for the items in the shopping cart. Confirmation of the receipt of your order will be sent by email immediately after submitting the order.

We accept your offer within two days by:

  • Sending an acceptance declaration in a separate email, or
  • The payment transaction being carried out by our service provider or the selected payment service provider. The timing of the payment transaction depends on the chosen payment method (see under "Payment").

3. Language of the Contract, Storage of the Contract Text

The language available for the conclusion of the contract are: German, English

Our General Terms and Conditions (GTC) can be accessed online at any time. You can view, save, and print the current version of the GTC on our website at [www.thor-automotive.de/en_GB/terms].

It is the buyer's responsibility to familiarize themselves with the applicable GTC before entering into the contract. Any changes or additions to the GTC will be published on our website in a timely manner.

4. Delivery Conditions

Orders typically have a processing time of 1-2 working days before being handed over to DPD. Within Germany, DPD’s delivery time is 2-3 working days. In addition to the specified product prices, shipping costs may apply.

4.1 Delivery Guarantee and Stock Availability

Remaining Stock and Availability

We only sell remaining stock of products that are no longer being manufactured due to the manufacturer closing down its operations. Due to unavoidable stock shrinkage, such as theft, miscounts, or other unforeseen events, there may be discrepancies between the offered and actual stock availability..

No Delivery Guarantee

Due to the described circumstances, we cannot guarantee the availability and delivery of the ordered products. If an ordered product is unavailable, we will inform the customer immediately and refund any payments made.

Liability Disclaimer

We are not liable for damages or losses resulting from the unavailability of a product, unless caused by gross negligence or intent on our part.

No Alternative Offers

Since these are remaining stocks and the manufacturer has closed down, we cannot offer alternative products. In such cases, the customer can only request a refund of the purchase price.

4.2 Shipping Costs
Within Germany:
Regular shipments are free of charge.
Oversized shipments (girth >300cm; length >175cm): €49.
Freight shipments (girth >330cm; length >250cm): €79. 

Within the EU - following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic:
or shipments up to 10 kg, length under 175cm, and girth under 300cm, we charge a flat rate of €20.
For shipments between 10-31 kg, length under 175cm, and girth under 300cm, we charge €35.
For shipments exceeding a length of 175cm or girth of 300cm, we charge a flat rate of €90.
Shipments that can only be delivered by freight due to their dimensions and weight are charged €120. 

Within the EU - other countries:
For shipments up to 10 kg, length under 175cm, and girth under 300cm, we charge a flat rate of €49.
For shipments between 10-31 kg, length under 175cm, and girth under 300cm, we charge €60.
For shipments exceeding a length of 175cm or girth of 300cm, we charge a flat rate of €90.
Shipments that can only be delivered by freight due to their dimensions and weight are charged €150.

Outside the EU: Please send us a separate inquiry.

You are also welcome to pick up the order on site by arrangement. We do not deliver to parcel stations. Island deliveries are excluded. All shipments are delivered to the curbside.

4.3 Liability Disclaimer for Delivery Delays
The delivery periods stated in our offers and order confirmations are non-binding, unless they have been expressly agreed upon as binding.

​Liability Disclaimer
We are not liable for delivery delays caused by circumstances beyond our control. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Non-pickup by our shipping service provider
  • Delays in delivery by the shipping service provider
  • Staff shortages or operational disruptions at the shipping service provider
  • Force majeure, including natural disasters, strikes, war, or other unforeseeable events

Obligation to Notify
In the event of delivery delays, we will inform the customer immediately and strive for a prompt resolution.

​Claims for Damages
Claims for damages due to delivery delays are excluded, unless they are based on willful intent or gross negligence on our part.

5. Payment

The following payment methods are available in our shop:

  • Prepayment

If you choose prepayment, we will provide you with our bank details in a separate email, and the goods will be shipped after payment is received.

  • PayPal

To pay via the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (“PayPal”), you must be registered with PayPal, authenticate with your access data, and confirm the payment instruction. The payment transaction will be processed by PayPal immediately after the order is placed. Further details will be provided during the ordering process.

PayPal may offer additional payment options to registered PayPal users. However, we have no control over these options, and they affect your relationship with PayPal.

6. Right of Withdrawal

Consumer have a statutory right of withdrawal as described in the withdrawal instruction. No voluntary right of withdrawl is granted to entrepreneurs.

7. Retention of Title

The goods remain our property until full payment is made.
For entrepreneurs, the following applies additionally: We retain ownership of the goods until all claims from an ongoing business relationship have been fully paid. You may resell the goods in the ordinary course of business; any claims arising from such resale, regardless of whether the goods have been connected or mixed with other items, are assigned to us in advance in the amount of the invoice amount, and we accept this assignment. You remain authorized to collect the claims; however, we may also collect claims ourselves if you fail to meet your payment obligations. Upon request, we will release the securities to the extent that the realizable value of the securities exceeds the value of the outstanding claims by more than 10%.

8. Transportation Damages

For consumers: If goods are delivered with obvious transportation damages, please immediately report such damages to the carrier and contact us without delay. Failure to file a complaint or contact us does not affect your legal rights, including warranty claims. However, it helps us assert our own claims against the carrier or transport insurance.

For entrepreneurs: The risk of accidental loss and deterioration passes to you once we have delivered the goods to the carrier, freight forwarder, or any other person or institution designated to carry out the shipment.

9. Warranty and Guarantees

Warranty for COBRA products applies only if the following care instructions are observed. Damages or changes caused by insufficient or improper care are excluded from warranty.

We strongly recommend regularly following the care instructions to ensure the functionality and appearance of your COBRA products. If you have questions about maintenance, we are happy to assist.

9.1 Care Instructions for Stainless Steel Products and Warranty Exclusion

Material properties and environmental influences
Our products, including the COBRA series, are made from high-quality stainless steel to ensure durability and timeless elegance. However, stainless steel is not fully protected from environmental influences. Specifically, external factors like metal particles from brakes or exhaust systems, dirt deposits, salty air, or industrial emissions can cause surface changes like rust spots or discoloration.

Small spots (sometimes resembling stains) that occur during storage before shipping or due to environmental influences do not constitute a defect in terms of quality. These occurrences can be permanently removed with commercially available chrome polish (e.g., Sonax 308000 Chrome Polish, 75 ml) and do not affect the functionality or durability of the product.

Care Instructions
To maintain the quality and appearance of COBRA products, the following care instructions should be followed:

  • Regular cleaning: Use water, car shampoo, and suitable cleaning products to remove dirt and deposits.
  • Stainless steel and chrome polish: Regularly apply a polish to clean and protect the surface.
  • Avoid damage when cleaning: Do not use steel wool, wire brushes, or similar cleaning tools on stainless steel or chrome surfaces, as they can damage the surface and promote rust formation.
9.2 Warranty Liability

Unless otherwise explicitly stated below, statutory warranty rights apply.

The following limitations and time reductions do not apply to claims for damages caused by us, our legal representatives, or vicarious agents:

  • bei Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit,
  • In case of intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty, or fraud
  • In case of breach of essential contractual obligations necessary for the proper execution of the contract
  • In the context of a guarantee promise, if agreed, or
  • soweit der Anwendungsbereich des Produkthaftungsgesetzes eröffnet ist.
Beschränkungen gegenüber Unternehmern

Gegenüber Unternehmern gelten als Vereinbarung über die Beschaffenheit der Ware nur unsere eigenen Angaben und die Produktbeschreibungen des Herstellers, die in den Vertrag einbezogen wurden; für öffentliche Äußerungen des Herstellers oder sonstige Werbeaussagen übernehmen wir keine Haftung. Für Unternehmer beträgt die Verjährungsfrist für Mängelansprüche bei neu hergestellten Sachen ein Jahr ab Gefahrübergang.

Die gesetzlichen Verjährungsfristen für den Rückgriffsanspruch nach § 445a BGB bleiben unberührt.

Regelungen gegenüber Kaufleuten

Unter Kaufleuten gilt die in § 377 HGB geregelte Untersuchungs- und Rügepflicht. Unterlassen Sie die dort geregelte Anzeige, so gilt die Ware als genehmigt, es sei denn, dass es sich um einen Mangel handelt, der bei der Untersuchung nicht erkennbar war. Dies gilt nicht, falls wir einen Mangel arglistig verschwiegen haben.

9.2 Garantien 

Für unsere Produkte wird ausdrücklich keine Garantie im Sinne einer über die gesetzliche Mängelhaftung hinausgehenden freiwilligen Garantie übernommen. Die gesetzlichen Rechte des Käufers bei Mängeln gemäß den jeweils anwendbaren gesetzlichen Bestimmungen bleiben hiervon unberührt.

11. Dispute Resolution

Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie hier finden. Zur Teilnahme an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle sind wir nicht verpflichtet und nicht bereit.

12. Schlussbestimmungen

Sind Sie Unternehmer, dann gilt deutsches Recht unter Ausschluss des UN-Kaufrechts.

Sind Sie Kaufmann im Sinne des Handelsgesetzbuches, juristische Person des öffentlichen Rechts oder öffentlich-rechtliches Sondervermögen, ist ausschließlicher Gerichtsstand für alle Streitigkeiten aus Vertragsverhältnissen zwischen uns und Ihnen unser Geschäftssitz.